

*cleaning off the spider web*
Hi everyone! How are you guys. Its been so looong since my last post. And it’s Ramadhan! Well happy fasting to all moslem in the world. Hopefully we can fill this month with meaningful things, to be closer to our God <3

I’ve finished my second semester for about a week, so I got more leisure time than usual *happy* and I got a new hobbies.. surfing on instagram, especially on celebgram’s. Keke. Then I found this super pretty fashion blogger, and looking at her pics, I am officially a fan.

I stalked into her accounts and blog.. I don’t know.. The only thing that popped out from my brain is.. How amazing this girl is. How lucky she is. To be born pretty.. Smart.. Have a striking features with good taste of fashion.. Kind heart.. Great Job.. Surrounded by many caring friends, Handsome and sweet fiancee with a perfect-tv-show love story.. What else are needed to this dreamy life?

People said we could never KNOW someone’s story, their struggle, without stepping on their shoes and walk wearing them. I’m not whining, nor complaining about my life, I am extremely grateful for all these blessings. I just.. wonder. How it feels to be some else. To have less limitation to achieve what I want. To know how they manage to go thru’ their hard times.. (if they ever had). To live their dreamy life. I just.. want to know.


It's okay, de.

Tak apa untuk sekali-kali terluka.
Karena dengan menetesnya darah dari lengan kanan, lengan kiri akan berusaha semakin kuat untuk menopang.

Tak apa untuk sekali-kali dibenci.
Ini kesempatan untuk memperbaiki yang kurang, menyadari yang salah, dan belajar menempatkan diri.

Tak apa untuk sekali-kali menangis.
Tak ada yang salah dengan itu. Tumpahkan semuanya, setelah itu, cobaan yang sama tak akan menggoyangmu..

Kejadian yang sama terulang, tak apa.
Mungkin itu bukan salahmu, mungkin semesta saja yang sedang berkhianat..

Tak apa meski kau belum mampu bersikap dewasa sepenuhnya.
Perlahan-lahan saja.

Sampai saat itu, semoga saya masih pantas, dan tidak memberatkan..


I'll take it as a compliment.

Last week I've done some blogwalking and accidentally found this blog post of mine on a friend's blog. She copy and only change the 1st subject words selection in bahasa, and put it there as hers. By a friend. Or is it just me who think that she is a friend? I dont know either.

I do feel a lil bit offended. For me, get inspired and copying is two different things. Being an inspiration to someone is the greatest level of happiness and being fully copied by someone is just.. annoying. Jeje. But if I look at this probs from a different view, by copying mine, at least there is one person who think that my poem is good. A poem that I wrote only in less than 3mins, without even have time to think and rearrange the words. The one I wrote just to express my feeling of being sorry. And that person, herself is even way better than me in playing words :) 

Thanks to the copycat, I have some spirit now, to write more..