
My Turn

Alhamdulillah. Finally I finished my thesis. And I got an A!

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Thanks God for this blessing. Tho I finished my study almost a year late, it doesn't matter. Every people had their own way. And mine is just a lil bit harder the the others, had more .. Well I'm just trying to be positive *smirk*

I want to give my biggest thanks to my parents.. Dear Mom and Dad! I won't be able to finished my thesis without your support and help. Thankyou for always be there for me, for listening to all my stories, for always picking up the phone when I need to hear your voice so I can calm down when I'm going to face my final test. Thankyouu <3

Thankyou my advisor Mr. Sutara for the guidance, Mr. Yusman adn Mr. Kastana for the correction, and Mr. Siswandi from PDAM Menang Mataram for all the help. *deep bow*

All my friends, dedare sasak, Mr. Sut troops, dewei & shinta, ESL45, Kost GPA, and many more I can't mention here one by one. Your support are my power.

Finally, now I've arrived at the intersection. Time to choose which way to go.
 To find a job, to continue my study, or even to find a lifepartner muhahaha I'm kidding.
Everybody, please wish me tons of luck for my next chapter of life ;)

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